Wednesday, November 25, 2009

California to Scrap School Textbooks in Favour of eBooks!

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently said, "It's nonsensical and expensive to look to traditional hard-bound books when information today is so readily available in electronic form." The Governor is looking to cut school text book costs and balance the state budget. He is also leveraging the internet and new ebook technology from Kindle, Sony, and Apple.

The challenge is for teachers and administrators to select new electronic information and blend it into the school curriculum. Many teachers have been running classes for years without text books. Education professionals need to create innovation eCurriculum based on existing electronic materials, secure new materials, and agree national/state programs that can be distributed to teachers electronicially.

Kids who lug 25 pounds of text books back and forth to school every day will be happy. If we do eCurriculum properly, everyone will win.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mandatory "Worthless" Training

"I'm in training for the next 2 days, but call me anytime. They don't teach us anything, so I can step out and talk to you." Sound familiar?

More and more, traditional training is outdated. Students do not want to travel to a classroom where they are lectured on materials they already know. Many professions (technology, financial, government, and education) require X hours per year and simply schedule training to fulfill the requirements. Management's response is, "sorry, just show up and catch up on paperwork."

With online training, students learn when and where they want to learn. They quickly pick up best practices and return to work more productive. It's a Revolution in Learning. Visit for more information.